Synchroton light source
Benefits of using the Swiss Light Source

The Swiss Light Source is a world class research facility with extensive activity across a wide range of sectors that are highly relevant for industry and academic research and development.
Industry and academic users from all over the world use the highly-sophisticated instruments at the SLS to understand the fundamental structure, composition and behaviour of materials, on scales ranging from atomic to macroscopic, with a level of detail and accuracy not possible using conventional laboratory-based equipment.
Applications of synchrotron light at the Swiss Light Source for industry customers
The Swiss Light Source (SLS) can be used to decode the structure of proteins or to investigate the characteristics of superconductors at sizes down to one millionth of a millimetre.
The SLS operates sixteen experimental stations, representing a wide range of scientific techniques covering materials science, medicine, food science, energy supply and the environment. During operating periods, scientists work on experiments 24 hours a day, 6 days a week.
Benefits for industry customers
Industry customers using the Swiss Light Source benefit from:
- Access to the gold standard synchrotron light source for reliability and efficiency.
- Excellent support for your team from initial enquiry, through to sample preparation, experiments and data analysis using the best equipment for your application and our long experience in technology transfer.
- Single point of contact for all enquiries for easy communication between the Swiss Light Source, the Paul Scherrer Institute and your company.
- More than 70 expert scientists to work with you on experiments to maximise the performance of the x-ray instruments.
- State of the art experimental facilities, high levels of automation and on site sample preparation laboratories
- Remote control and monitoring of experiments.
- Rapid turnaround using our flexible access procedures.
- On-site guest house and restaurants for use during experiments.
Applications of synchrotron light at the Swiss Light Source for industry customers