Services for Industry

SwissFEL is a new generation of light source offering novel experimental capabilities by providing intense pulsed x-rays.
SwissFEL creates x-ray light a billion times brighter than the synchrotron light at the Swiss Light Source, delivering ultrashort x-ray pulses around 1-20 femtoseconds duration at 100 Hz.
SwissFEL x-ray techniques are highly innovative and under constant development allowing unprecedented insights into material structures.
The focus of the beam can be as small as 1 micrometre, allowing the determination of structures of very small protein crystals without radiation damage. The x-ray pulses will be powerful enough to film ultrafast phenomena such as the formation or breakup of chemical bonds.
SwissFEL is complementary to the Swiss Light Source (SLS) at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). The two research facilities will operate together to meet the growing demand for state-of-the-art beams of x-rays and ultraviolet light.
Industry users will be able to apply for beamtime at the SwissFEL experiment areas when the facility is fully operational.
Application areas
- Protein structures
- Time-resolved protein dynamics
- Pharmaceutical synthesis
- Photosensitivity
- Catalytic processes
- Chemical reaction dynamics
- Photochemistry
- Molecular assembly
- Process optimisation
- Atomic and molecular physics
- Band structure of solids, surfaces and interfaces
- Plasma structures and dynamics
- Nanomagnetism
- Electronic structures
- New methods of spectroscopy (intensity, adjustability, resolution)
- Materials synthesis
- Structure optimisation