Our Team

At SLS Techno Trans AG, we provide industry customers with straightforward access to synchrotron analysis at the Swiss Light Source (SLS), high-performance Cleanrooms, and SwissFEL, all located at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland.
These world class research facilities are regularly used by industry to solve problems in materials science, medicine, food science, energy supply and the environment.
Our mission is to coordinate the services you need to allow you to focus on the scientific measurements and results. We can help you discover which experimental techniques and services are best suited for your projects.
Our services are provided either by our team of Industry Partner Scientists at the SLS beamlines or through our spin-off companies: EXPOSE for protein crystallography, or Excelsus Structural Solutions for materials science.
SLS Techno Trans AG

Luc Patthey, CEO
Luc Patthey is the CEO of SLS Techno Trans AG and the successor of Stefan Müller.
Luc is an experienced scientist at the SLS and head of the Laboratory for Advanced Spectroscopy and X-ray Sources at the Center for Photon Science at the PSI.
Phone: +41 56 310 4562

Susanne Sullivan, Contract Office
Susanne Sullivan is our experienced contract officer and the successor of Elizabeth Bianchi.
Please contact Susanne to arrange a non-disclosure agreement before the first scientific discussions, if required.
Phone: +41 56 310 4547