Services for Industry
Connecting industry with world class research at the Swiss Light Source
At SLS Techno Trans AG, our mission is to provide industry customers with straightforward access to synchrotron analysis at the Swiss Light Source (SLS), a world class research facility in Switzerland that is regularly used by industry to solve problems in materials science, medicine, food science, energy supply and the environment.
We are the main contact point for industry customers and we will assist you before, during and after your experiments at the SLS.
Additionally, we offer access to high performance Cleanrooms and a network of scientific experts for scientific consulting services.
We are also the main contact point for industry users wanting to explore research and development opportunities at the SwissFEL free electron x-ray laser.
All customer interactions are carried out under the strictest confidentiality.
Our Services

Applications of synchrotron light at the Swiss Light Source

High performance cleanrooms
