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PolLux is a highly versatile scanning transmission x-ray microspectroscope at the Swiss Light Source

Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microspectroscopy (STXM) can generate detailed distribution maps of heterogeneous materials with nanoscale resolution.

STXM collects x-ray absorption images and spectra using a beam that is focused down to a very small spot. This spot is scanned across a sample with the x-rays tuned to critical points in the spectrum, generating images with quantitative spectroscopic contrast mechanisms that go beyond simple element mapping. STXM can provide contrast based on effects that include molecular structure and orientation, chemical/oxidation states and magnetisation.

The scanning setup allows STXM measurements to be simple to control, minimise radiation dose (far lower than in electron microscopy) and maximise imaging flexibility with a field of view ranging from millimeters to microns. Depending on the beamline and energy range, imaging with a spatial resolution ranging from a micrometre scale to 20-50 nm can be made routinely, while a resolution of about 10 nm is possible in favourable circumstances.


Application sectors

Healthy ageing
Advanced materials
Environment & climate science

Beamlines at the Swiss Light Source