Synchroton light source
Download booklet: Solutions for Industry with Synchrotron Light

Download our PDF booklet showcasing examples where synchrotron analysis has been successfully used in industry research and development projects across a range of applicaton sectors.
The Paul Scherrer Institute is Switzerland's largest national laboratory for engineering and natural sciences, and we strongly welcome industry to make use of our research facilities at the Swiss Light Source, either directly, or in partnership with university research teams.
Download booklet "Solutions for Industry with Synchrotron Light"
Our team of industry partner scientists is highly experienced in supporting and helping industry users from a wide range of companies and sectors to use synchrotron analysis for propietary research and development projects.
We offer industry customers straightforward, fast, paid for, confidential access to the Swiss Light Source.
Intensely bright, pinpoint sharp beams of x-rays and ultraviolet light are regularly used by industry to solve problems in materials science, medicine, food science, energy supply and the environment.
The examples in this booklet are just a few of the many where industry is using our state-of-the-art instruments to solve immediate problems, refine procedures for later use in product development and manufacturing, or build a full understanding of new materials.
We would be delighted to discuss with you how we can help your company. Please get in touch.
Download booklet "Solutions for Industry with Synchrotron Light"