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Fabrication of x-ray optical components

Fabrication of x-ray optical components

PSI researchers from the Laboratory for Micro- and Nano-technology are fabricating zone plates for research groups at synchrotrons worldwide.

Many experiments at synchrotron beam lines require nanofocusing and high resolution imaging with x-rays. Zone plates can provide very high resolution values limited by the width of their outermost zone structures.

Laboratory for Micro- and Nano-technology (LMN) researchers are using a nanofabrication process based on high aspect ratio structuring of PMMA molds using high energy electron-beam lithography and subsequent filling of these molds with metal by electroplating. The performance of these devices has been proven in many experiments and are supplied to synchrotrons around the world.

LMN operates two professionally designed cleanrooms equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. These cleanrooms are available for use by industry researchers.

Electroplated gold zone plate for multi-keV x-rays with 50 nm wide and 500 nm high structures (left and center). Nickel zone plate for soft x-rays with 25 nm outermost zone width (right).

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